Sunday, May 27, 2012


In our body there are thousands of types of enzymes. However, many of these enzymes, only roughly be divided into two parties, namely the metabolic enzymes and digestive enzymes. Metabolizing enzymes found throughout the body and is responsible for the smooth running of all chemical processes that occur, such as the menstrual cycle, reproductive
function, the ability to think, and the immune system.

Meanwhile, there are digestive enzymes along the gastrointestinal tract, namely in the salivary gland, small intestine, large intestine, stomach, and pancreas. Digestive enzymes are like the vanguard of the army that will determine the quality of metabolic enzymes work. Digestive enzymes begin to work when we chew food in the mouth, when food is digested in the stomach, then into the intestine, until finally discharged through the anus. However, most of the digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. That is why, digestive enzymes are also often called pancreatic enzymes.

The role of the enzyme is essential in many chemical processes in the body. Enzymes help the body break down food when consumed. As we know, in addition to taking an enzyme that has been available in the body, the body also utilizes an enzyme that comes from outside (the food). Unfortunately, most of the food we eat has been cooked or processed, thus killing most of the enzymes contained in them. As a result, our pancreas has to work overtime to produce more enzymes to digest food.

Digestive enzymes made by the pancreas to work breaking down food into molecules small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream and utilized by the body. When we eat, a message is sent to the pancreas to create enzymes to digest food. These enzymes can be made from its source in the pancreas as well as with the help of metabolic enzymes. Metabolizing enzymes help to regulate virtually all other body processes, including cell replication, tissue repair, and so forth. When too many sources are used to make digestive enzymes, the metabolic enzymes will contribute to the body's chemical processes.

If we eat enough foods that contain enzymes, the pancreas we do not have to work too hard to digest foods. In addition, the pancreas can save the use of an enzyme that has been available in the body. Because, it is estimated up to 80% of our energy is required to carry out the process of digestion. When we use the digestive enzymes in the body, much energy is released. Therefore, someone who uses enzymes to digest food more will lose more energy, thus becoming sleepy after eating.

According to Dr. Ari Fahrial, Sp.PD-KGEH-a gastroenterologist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), a digestive enzyme that is most responsible for amylase, lipase, and protease. Amylase break down carbohydrates into glucose duty, lipases break down fats into fatty acids, whereas proteases break down proteins into amino acids. Food substances that have been broken down by enzymes that will be absorbed by the intestinal walls and then distributed throughout the body.

As a soldier who was in the vanguard, in cooperation with the digestive enzymes in the metabolic enzymes carry out chemical processes in the body. The cooperation resulted in tremendous benefits for our bodies. As written in The Natural Pharmacy site, the benefits of these enzymes as follows.
  1. Hormone balance. Metabolizing enzymes play a role in strengthening the function of the endocrine system. Indirectly, it works to balance the hormones involved.
  2. Cleanse the blood. Some types of fungi, parasites, bacteria, and viruses consist of protein. If proteins from fungi, parasites, bacteria, or viruses that are considered harmful, then the protease enzymes (enzymes that break down proteins in charge) will destroy and dispose of the blood flow.
  3. Stabilize the levels of fat in the blood. Fat digesting enzyme lipase in charge, so that plays a role in stabilizing the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In addition, the lipase also serves remove the fat that is not needed by the body, thus reducing the workload of the bile, liver, and pancreas. If the lipase to function optimally, then we will avoid obesity and various diseases that accompany it.
  4. Stabilize the emotions. Enzymes also play a role in breaking down and distributing nutrients in the form of glucose and amino acids into neurotransmitters in the brain. Adequate intake of nutrients was responded to by the hypothalamic-pleasure center in the brain. If the hypothalamus assess intake enough, then he will give a signal that the intake has been sufficient, so that our bodies are comfortable and our emotions stabilized.
  5. Keep skin youthful. The amount of enzyme sufficient to launch the process of cell regeneration, thus delaying the process of shrinkage of the skin. The enzyme also increases blood supply and nourish the skin, and dispose of waste substances that can make dull skin or acne.


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